David Gascoyne – Ecce Homo

Publisearre op 21 februari 2015

Ecce Homo


Whose is this horrifying face,
This putrid flesh, discouloured, flayed,
Fed on by flies, scorched by the sun?
Whose are these hollow red-filmed eyes
And thorn-spiked head and spear-stuck side?
Behold the Man: He is Man’s Son.

Forget the legend, tear the decent veil
That cowardice or interest devised
To make their mortal enemy a friend,
To hide the bitter truth all His wounds tell,
Lest the great scandal be no more disguised:
He is in agony till the world’s end,

And we must never sleep during that time!
He is suspended on the cross-tree now
And we are onlookers at the crime,
Callous contemporaries of the slow
Torture of God. Here is the hill
Made ghastly by His spattered blood

Whereon He hangs and suffers still:
See, the centurions wear riding-boots,
Black shirts and badges and peaked caps,
Greet one another with raised-arm salutes;
They have cold eyes, unsmiling lips;
Yet these His brothers know not what they do.

And on his either side hang dead
A labourer and a factory hand,
Or one is maybe a lynched Jew
And one a Negro or a Red,
Coolie or Ethiopian, Irishman,
Spaniard or German democrat.

Behind his lolling head the sky
Glares like a fiery cataract
Red with the murders of two thousand years
Committed in His name and by
Crusaders, Christian warriors
Defending faith and property.

Amid the plain beneath His transfixed hands,
Exuding darkness as indelible
As guilty stains, fanned by funereal
And lurid airs, besieged by drifting sands
And clefted landslides our about-to-tbe
Bombed and abandoned cities stand.

He who wept for Jersualem
Now sees His prophecy extend
Across the greatest cities of the world,
A guilty panic reason cannot stem
Rising to raze them all as He foretold;
And He must watch this drama to the end.

Though often named, He is unknown
To the dark kingdoms at His feet
Where everything disparages His words,
And each man bears the common guilt alone
And goes blindfolded to his fate,
And fear and greed are sovereign lords.

The turning point of history
Must come. Yet the complacent and the proud
And who exploit and kill, may be denied,
Christ of Revolution and of Poetry,
The resurrection and the life
Wrought by your spirit’s blood.

Involved in their own sophistry
The black priest and the upright man
Faced by subversive truth shall be struck dumb,
Christ of Revolution and of Poetry,
While the rejected and condemned become
Agents of the divine.

Not from a monstrance silver-wrought
But from the tree of human pain
Redeem our sterile misery,
Christ of Revolution and of Poetry,
That man’s long journey
May not have been in vain.


Dit is de oarspronklike tekst fan David Gascoyn. De Fryske oersetting troch Eppie Dam is te lêzen yn de Moanne nûmer 2 – 2015.

David Gascoyne (1916-2001) wie in Londense anty-fassist en hat in blaumoandei lid west fan de Britse kommunistise partij. Hy teach yn 1936 nei Spanje, mar festige him – teloarsteld yn syn politike maten – noch foar de oarloch yn Parys, dêr’t er befreone rekke mei Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, André Breton en Paul Eluard. Syn iere poëzy wie surrealistys, syn lettere wurk mear metafysys en religieus fan aard. Dêrfan is it fers Ecce Homo in foarbyld, al tsjûget it tagelyk fan Gascoyne syn earste natuer. It kin gjin frijbliuwend dichter wêze dy’t Kristus yn ien sike neamt mei de poëzy en de revolúsje, en boppedat opropt ta in kearpunt yn ’e skiednis. Fyftich jier lyn hat J.W. Schulte Nordholt it gedicht oerset yn it Nederlâns – in fertaling dy’t ik neist de Ingelse hân ha – en is it opnommen yn ’e blomlêzing Als de minste der mensen. Gedichten over Jezus (Amsterdam, 1964). E.D.


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