• 31 augustus 2014

    The model has been 'duplicated' in orginal size, a size of two meters high and digital coloured: ruby and red.        

  • 11 juli 2014

    I have created a model in the scale of 1:20. The normal sized 'Y' will be 200cm in hight, therefore the model is 40cm. I came to the conclusion to build the normal sized letter different to the model. As seen on picture 1 the vertical of the letter has two different wide halves. For a simpler construction and a more harmonious appearance of the letter, [...]

  • 12 mei 2014

    So far I‘ve been thinking about the construction of the sculpture of the letter Y. The size of the sculpture will be about 2 meters. The shape of the letter is divided in the middle and both sides at an angle of 50° - 60°, so that from the front the letter Ypsilon can be seen in its form, but not the image content on [...]

  • 19 maart 2014

    De sjuery hat út mear as 70 ynstjoerings en foarstellen 26 keunsterns keazen dy’t mei harren plan en letter úteinsette meie. De sjuery wie ûnder de yndruk fan it nivo en de kwaliteit fan de ideeën. De 26 selektearre keunstners binne de kommende moannen fia de website fan de Moanne te folgjen yn harren wurk. Oan ’e hân fan ynterviews, fideo’s, sketsen en oare bydragen kinst it ûntstean fan [...]